Life Insurance can be defined as a contract between an insurance policy holder and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a sum of money in exchange for a premium, upon the death of an insured person.
Why the need of Life Insurance
Life insurance is needed to provide funds to take care of any liabilities and provide source of income to dependents to sustain in case of death of the bread earner.
P3 Investment Solutions has tied up with LIC of India for pure Life Insurance and UTI for their Unit Linked Insurance Plan (ULIP). Insurance is a product to cover risk and not as an investment. We suggest insurance to our customers based on their requirement, and we do this by collating the necessary details of our customer and then suggesting them.
We believe in guiding our customers in the right direction, putting their hard-earned money to be put for right use.
Our Pure Life Insurance Portfolio includes two plans
1) Anmol Jeevan - Term Plan
Term : 5-25 years
Minimum Entry Age : 18 Years
Maximum Entry Age : 55 Years
Maximum Cover Ceasing Age : 65 Years
Minimum Sum Assured : 6,00,000/- and multiples of 1,00,000/- thereafter
Maximum Sum Assured : 24,00,000/-
2) Amulya Jeevan - Term Plan
Term : 5-35 years
Minimum Entry Age :18 Years
Maximum Entry Age : 60 Years
Maximum Cover Ceasing Age : 70 Years
Minimum Sum Assured : 25,00,000/-
Maximum Sum Assured : No Limit
Please click on the Life Insurance Term Plan Names above for more details regarding the Schemes